Will a stainless steel necklace turn your neck green
Will a stainless steel necklace turn your neck green

will a stainless steel necklace turn your neck green will a stainless steel necklace turn your neck green

Immediately as in, after two days of pickle-time. Soak it for a two days in a 50/50 mix of water and ammonia (you can buy this from most supermarkets, surprisingly) and it should immediately solve the problem. If it's sterling silver, then pickle your ring, baby. Pickle is, inadvertently, what my younger sister calls me as a term of endearment. To prevent this, it's pickled in a solution of sodium bisulphite which gets rid of all that) then it can leave your finger as green as a pickle. Also, if a sterling silver ring hasn't been properly 'pickled' (sterling silver is a mix of silver and copper, and when heated by a jeweler the copper can turn into copper oxide which leaves green marks. It's not just cheap rings though silver can also make your finger look gross, because it oxidises after coming into contact with certain acids.

will a stainless steel necklace turn your neck green

It's associated with cheapy rings because a lot of them are either copper, which is the most common culprit, or copper plated - so the moment the covering metal rubs off, and the copper comes through, then you're got yourself an alien digit. Why do rings turn my finger green?Ĭertain metals react either with your skin, your sweat or a certain lotion you're using, which makes it go green. It doesn't mean your silver ring is fake so don't throw it into the fires of Mordor just yet. Thankfully, there is a way you can break the cycle of rings turning your finger a bizarre shade of greenish grey and yes, it can still happen with silver rings. It's the same old story - girl buys ring, girl feels cool in ring, ring makes her hand look like an alien, everyone shuns girl, girls dies alone.

Will a stainless steel necklace turn your neck green